
a little crazy moment

Yesterday, after the potluck, suddenly felt the "braveness" and I wrote a letter. I sent it out before I finish my "braveness". Then, I go to bed. Unfortunately, I had a bad dream, this cause me woke up early in the morning and started to think if I was doing the right thing...

After a few minutes, I started to regret, why am I rushing? I asked my friends should I just delete it before he receives it when he online, everyone asks me to wait for his respond. One of my bff said :" just ask yourself, will you regret after you delete it?"

After a second, my answer is "yes, I will. and I definitely don't have the courage to send it again..."

Since I am still in UK, this makes me opportunity to escape the awkward for 10 months, so ... some crazy thing has to be done when you're still young right? ^^ I am still waiting... good or bad... no hurt no disappointing.. just wanna you to know that ... ILU

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