

Finally! My hectic days are over! It's time for me to have REAL fun! Actually, my holidays started week ago but to me, it seems like it has been few months. I got no idea why I'm feeling this way, probably because too much outings nowadays. Non-stop outings since Wednesday night. Sometime I was thinking.. maybe I just want to cover back the fun part that I lost for previous months. Yea right.. Playful!

It's been 9 months. Nah, it's more than that. I'm thinking when is the day that I could lose counting. I don't know what I want and I don't know what I need. No ones could help, I know only me that can figure it out myself. Love isn't my thing maybe. I feel lonely but ironically I'm enjoying it. I know I am hiding in a place that I built up myself to block everything that could really hurt the deep part of me. It's not a good thing but is not that bad isn't it? I feel safe when I'm in there. Just don't have to care whatever shits that happened.

Future? Career? Nah. Wait for my result in September. I don't want to do anything during this period. My dad is kind enough to feed me I guess ^^ Travelling trips adventure drink swim! Anything! I want to enjoy it to the max and back to the reality in September. If pass, yea, chamber and here comes my bright future; fail? It's ok, "everything has their first time" -- Dato Mokhtar Hashim's case. LOL Retake and see ya in UM hall next year.

Kinda enjoy when I was a workaholic, no worries, those days are approaching, but it feels like ISH! Why I have to grow up? Why can’t I be your baby princess for my lifetime, dad? Since I’m the youngest >.<

Enough crapping! Enough KL outings, it’s time to go home, next stop, Penang! But, where to go? Who to find? It’s ok, I just miss my home and dogs. Maybe I should blog about Europe trip before I forget everything and blog whatever shit I feel like when I am really free.

Lastly, pray hard that I don’t see shit in Penang! I don’t want to ruin my mood and escape back to KL, tiring!

Stupid! 9 months d! Everthing still very clear in my mind, everything become more details day by day. Every months around that time, you definitely appear in my dream! And EVERYTIME I still hope it isn't a dream. Can't you just leave me alone? I hate u! I should! Tatata bala tui! U idiot! Just don't ever appear in my life! I HATE YOU! I hope I can hate u like how much I love you...

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