
i luv u!!

Today I would like to thank to some people

First, I would like to thank to GOD
Because HE brought him to this world
And just nearby me
And make him have a good personality
Let’s he can take care of me

Second, I would like to thank to his parents
Because they take a good care for him
And now he become a great man
A great man for me

Third, I would like to thank to my parents
Because they taught me don’t to fall in love so early
And I really happy that I am innocent
And I can give him a pure me

Forth, I would like to thank to cupid
Because HE let us met each other in a big world
By using his cute arrow
And we are going to prove that his choice s correct

Fifth, I would like to thank to technology
Because it makes us connect
Although we are far away from each other
But we still can meet and chatting by using the success of technology

Sixth, I would like to thank to my family members
Because they support me to love him
To be with him
Even though some of them still refuse to know about this

Seventh, I would like to thank to my friends
Their support really let us feel warm
I love our friends
I think I am lucky because my friends love me too

Eighth, I would like to thank to our society
I really thank to it
It let’s us knew each other sketchy
And then coming to deeply
And makes our memories become more interesting

Ninth, I would like to thank to my heart
Because it makes me wonder
And makes me want to know him more and more
And at last it makes me fall into him

Lastly, I would like to thank to my dear
Because he show out his glamour
And let’s me fall into him
And the most important is
He makes himself fall into me too
And not let me hang on in the air

I really thank to you all
And I don’t know how I can show it out
So just try to say to you all



i juz.....feel so cold=.='


y felt cold??
i gt wrote anytig wil let u cold meh??